Friday, January 23, 2009


Well I went to the doctor yesterday and He took off all the dead skin and let me tell you it hurt. But I cant get it wet for another 3 days and still cant walk or Drive. Grrrr. I'm now just getting annoyed. Well i hope I can walk on it next week but will just have to wait and see. Well that all for now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This is the update on my foot surgery. I was supposed to be able to walk on it last week but come to find out when he took the stitches out that there was a blister from the inside out. So I cant walk yet. I wasn't supposed to go back to the doctor till next week but the blister broke open and I don't think that the doctor was expecting it so I have to go see him tomorrow. Hopefully I can walk on it and drive. It's been a pain not be able to drive and rely on other people. But anyways thats how it is going so far.