Monday, July 28, 2008

Trip to Vegas

Well I went to the movies and after the movie decided hey why not go to Las Vegas to see my hubby cause he couldn't come down to mesquite. I had Tiffany her little Nephew Ian and Nic.
Well by the time we got out of mesquite it was about 10:00pm. On the way up there Ian Decides he needs to pee, and we were to scared to stop on the side of the road cause it was to girl and two little boys and it was late!!! So Tiffany ask do you have an empty water bottle, I didn't know if I did so she looked and sure enough there was one!!! To tell you the truth I never thought I would make a little boy pee in a water bottle!! It was so Crazy but I guess it beats stopping on the side of the road!!! And then on the way home we were riding with the windows down cause it was raining a little bit and it felt so nice out side. Well there were some tissues in the back seat and Ian didn't want his window down cause it was to loud, but when his window went down I looked back and he had a hand full of tissues tissues and through them out the window. We couldn't get mad at him cause we thought it was so funny!! But from then on I locked the windows just so he didn't do it again. Well that was my adventurous weekend!!

1 comment:

Marcus and McKenzie said...

LOL. Sounds like quite the adventure. You are insane for leaving Mesquite at 10 PM to go to Vegas! I hope work is going ok. With the whole Kairi thing, vacation isn't turning out as great as it was planned, but it's still good.