Monday, September 8, 2008


Well my fiance was going to his Bachlor Party and expecting to have a good time!!! Well before he left his last words to my DAD were I'm going to drive for gas not speed!! Well come to find out he was 1/2 a mile from where he was going and he hits a DEER going 75-80 in a 60-65 zone... Yes the truck was not driveable and has a big hole in the front of it were the deer hit it!!! But he told me that there was no way he could have missed it but I think if he was driving for gas like he said he would he would have been able to not have so much damage!!! But ya 2 weeks before the wedding my fiance doesn't only hit a deer he puts us down to one car, so of coarse he get to take the car and I get to drive my moms car!! I was going to make him ride his peddle bike 13 miles to work, but my mom lets him take the car she felt bad for him!!! And I get to pay $500 dollar for the deductable when he hit the deer, Figure that one out!!! Well thats the story of my life!!!


Michelle said...

I'd find the owner of a deer and send them the bill! Maybe it was one of Santa's taking a vacation Mesquite style.

Wade's gettin cole in his stocking this year!

Marcus n McKenzie said...

Sorry Jenna. Money is no more your money and his money it's both. What's yours is his, what's his is yours... For the rest of eternity!