Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Police

Well yesterday I had a doctors appointment in St. George. We were already running late as it was and we get to the Port and there is the officer in the blue charger that always sits there. Well we weren't speeding or anything and I see her pull out and come down the road toward us, and I told wade that she was going to pull him over, and he is all i'm not doing anything wrong so why would she pull me over. I just said she is going to pull you over, and sure enough she did. She pulled him over for his windows:) Well she walked up to the car and said you do know your windows are to dark right, (were thinking no there not) and she like roll your window up a little and when he did she is all like OH THERE LIGHTER THEN i THOUGHT THEY WERE, she test them and they past the test, but she still gave us a warning. I don't think that is right why give us a warning if they past the stupid test. Well she went back to her car and was there for a good 15 min. To top the story off she made me late for my appointment. That's what made me up set is I had to call and tell them I was going to be late. Stupid Cops.

1 comment:

Stacha Deni said...

That sucks! And, not gonna lie, I think that is SO lame that she gave you a warning when your windows passed the test!