Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Went to Arizona

This week Wade and I decided to take a trip to Arizona to see my Grams and his missionary Campanion. Well about half way there I hear Wade yell I'm sorry Sweet Heart and then you hear a crunch. I didn't know what he was saying sorry for cause I just thought he had hit a tire or something but then he said that was a good looking cat. He HIT a cat. Thats what he was saying sorry too. That why he was saying sorry for. Well we made it to my Grams house at about 1:30a.m. Then the next day we sat around for a while and then we went and met his mission campanion he was a little different. His wife and I got a long very well we just talked the whole time. We went out to eat but only they ate. Cause I couldn't have anything. After we were done eating we went back to Grams but Wade turned the wrong way so it took us longer then usual, but we found our way back. Then the rest of the weekend we just sat around and relax and visited with Grams and My Uncle Rick and Aunt Amy. On the way home Wade didn't kill any more animal and we made it back save and sound.

1 comment:

Marcus n McKenzie said...

Well, at least nothing was hurt on the way home :) I am so jealous that you got over the dam so quickly. I'm glad you had fun visiting your Grams and the comp.